NaNoWriMo happened long enough ago that we can look back on our works and say "Oh those crazy kids." So I challenge you to select your strangest, funniest, most raw, or favorite line (or two, or heckit, a whole a paragraph) from your slapdash NaNo-Novel and post it in the comments.
2007: I could tell by their pained expressions that they wanted to
start an argument about how illogical the situation was, but no one asked the
obvious question: why did Mr. Bow have a can of copper paint perched
precariously on a door that would have to be moved?
[I honestly cannot remember why Mr. Bow had a can of copper paint perched precariously above that door. And this was back when my NaNoWriMos had a coherent if recklessly-executed plot.]
2008: The last line was the most chilling of all:
“You have great friends who will always be there for you no matter what else
[This is kind of hilarious out of context because normally, that would be a very sweet thing to say.]
2009: For some reason, this
person was the one I wanted to ask about the Gushers. I couldn’t explain it. He was called away, though, so when I turned around,
I found myself absent-mindedly wandering the aisles until I finally found the
Gushers. After I found them I had about three different kinds to choose from. I
chose one that advertised a mystery flavor. I thought, “Just what I need,
another mystery,” at first, but then I picked it up when I realized that at
least this one I might be able to
solve. (The answer is always Blue Raspberry. Always.)
[It really is.]
2010: “We
can’t have you losing your head,” he said with a sigh.
“I—I won’t,” Marla responded. “I’m
not. I didn’t.”
“I’m cut out for this,” Phil said. A
“I know,” said Marla.
[Haha, what was that 'statement,' Phil? Way to make this heart-to-heart about you. Awkward.]
2012: Byanca is cursing brightly because the whole
thing with the pie was that it was supposed “TO BE A SUH- PRIIIIIIISE” but I’m
still wondering how on earth I managed to make a situation so awkward so fast.
[That's actually one of the most sane lines in the whole thing. This novel is basically a blur to me. I can't really imagine letting anyone read it because it would be hard to convince them that no, I have never done drugs, honest.]
Alright, I've put mine out in the open - let's hear yours!